【同义词辨析】 2018-08-22 冷静cool-nonchalant
cool: may imply calmness, deliberateness, or dispassionateness: kept a ~ head during the emergency. (dispassionate不受情绪影响,能够冷静判断,如a dispassionate summation of facts冷静地总结事实) (cool在字典里有16个意思,分两类1冷静 2好,如有能力数量多时髦等)
composed: implies freedom from agitation as a result of self-discipline or a sedate disposition: the ~ pianist gave a flawless concert. (discipline纪律训练管教,根本意思是控制) (sedate和本词composed互释,表示composed and serious镇定而严肃,如amid the frenzy of activity the bride remained sedate新娘保持镇定)
collected: implies a concentration of the mind or spirit that eliminates or overcomes distraction: even in heated debate she remains very ~.
unruffled: suggests apparent serenity and poise in the face of setbacks or in the midst of excitement: his mother remained ~ during the wedding. (poise掌控自信自如=self-possession,ease如the poise of one who has been officiating all his life一个终身任职的官员的镇定自如)
imperturbable: implies a temperament that is cool or assured even under severe provocation: a guest speaker who maintained an air of ~ civility. 老俞好像说过这种性格非常好?
nonchalant: stresses an easy coolness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern: ~ as ever, she ignored the crying baby.
cool冷静: 表示平静思考不受情绪影响(calm,deliberate,dispassionate),composed镇定: 不紧张,来自自我控制或镇定性格(sedate见词条),collected专注: 能集中精力排除干扰,unruffled镇定: 面对自身挫败或他人激动能保持平静自如,imperturbable还是镇定: 表示即使面对严重挑衅也能保持冷静自信的性格(temperament),nonchalant不在乎漠不关心: 表现得轻松冷淡(cool这里是冷淡),看上去无所谓不关注
记忆方法: 1) 首字母CCCUIN中CCC想成很酷(cool),NIU想成牛,很酷的牛<==冷静的动物
2) 冷静的意思是不紧张激动mean actually or apparently free from agitation or excitement.首字母CCCUIN中CCC想成很酷(cool),NIU想成牛,很酷的牛<==冷静的动物 (agitation紧张也是一种激动,即nervous excitement紧张的激动,所以一般agitate说成紧张,excitement说成激动)